"Freedom" of relationships between members of opposite sexes, reigning in the modern society, and those sad consequences which reason it, cannot leave indifferent thinking Muslim youth. For this reason they gathered on December, 27th, 2011, within the precincts of the cultural center of the AUASO "Аlraid" within the limits of the project "Debate-club" for discussion of this issue, naming the debate "He and She".
During this meeting such vital topics and questions exciting youth, as distribution of vices of adultery and illegitimate relations; true moral qualities which the girl and the guy should possess; value of marriage and family in Muslim outlook and its place in traditions of the Crimean Tatars were discussed.
Besides it, they did not avoid such widespread immoral phenomena, as foul language, wide use of humiliating references, epithets and nicknames, display of disrespect for the interlocutor.
The action traditionally started with fifteen-minute conversations during which time the leader of the debate, Zore Umerova, and the journalist of the broadcasting company ATR, Ibraim Umerov, shared their impressions about pilgrimage of Hajj recently performed by them. They treated participants of debate with water from the holy source of "Zam-Zam".
In the end of the debate young men converged in recognition of necessity of return to the cultural heritage and ethical standards in relations between sexes, which took place between the Crimean-Tatar people in past days. They emphasized the importance of correct understanding of Islam and its wise instructions which are saving for youth, — both for guys and girls.
Staff reporter