The All-Ukrainian Association of Social Organizations “Alraid” and the All-Ukrainian Public Organization “Dytynstvo” (“Childhood”), with support from the Ukrainian Ministry for Culture, announce the children’s artistic contest “Lesson of fairy tale”. The jury will be considering both solo and team presentations (team is up to 15 children); the genres include various kinds of scenic and decorative arts. The contest is held on line of cooperation agreement signed by “Alraid” and “Dytynstvo”.
Considering the public significance of this event that is supposed to draw public attention to problems and needs of the younger generation and their moral development, the Ukrainian Ministry for Culture calls all the subordinated institutions to render maximal support to the organizers.
Conditions for participation
1.Contest theme is “the good overthrows the evil”. Criteria to be met by works in each nomination are fixed in the Rule for the competition “Lesson of fairy tale”.
2.Children eligible for the contest are from 6 to 16 years old, either solo or in a team (up to 15 children).
3.Works for the contest with the attached questionnaire filled in the proper way (questionnaire form can be downloaded here; it can be filled manually or on-line and printed out) should be sent by participants on one of the addresses:
— 25-А, Degtyarevskaya str., 04119, Kyiv; contact person Mrs.Olga Fryndak, phone: (044) 490-99-00, e-mail: maryam@arraid.org;
—7-А, Mokrousov str., Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine; contact person Mrs. Fatyma Amrullayeva, phone: (0652) 54 63 38, e-mail: crimea@arraid.org.
Note: works received by organizers will not be returned to participants irrespective of the contest results.
4.Deadline: works sent on organizers’ address before May 15 (for Kyiv residents) or before October 15 (for residents of other national regions).
5.Winners will receive valuable prizes from the contest organizers, participation in the exhibition of works, tickets for the final gala-concert “Festival of children’s dreams – 2013” with participation of Ukrainian pop stars and finalists of “Lesson of fairy tale” contest. Also, they will be invited to participate in other projects of “Dytynstvo”.