On March 8, 2013, participants of the women’s club at the Islamic Cultural Center “Al-Manar” (Kharkov) discussed benefits evolving from the prohibitions imposed by the Most High.
There’re no prohibitions in Islam, meant to impose artificial constraints on a human and his/her physical and mental development; absence of the conception of “original sin” in Islam makes impossible self-punishment for it. Prohibitions in Islam are meant for the benefit of a human, protection of his/her morals, spirits, honor, health and well-being in this and eternal world.
The four limitations in the Muslims’ behavior were chosen for discussion by the organizers, which are most explicit in the eyes of followers of different faiths: limitation on showing off the woman’s beauty; limitation on free contacts between males and females and prohibition of extra-marital sexual relations; prohibition of pork and intoxicating substances (alcohol or drugs), and the prohibited categories of trade.
Hijab: not just a head cover
The word “hijab” has been a popular tag in newscasts and newspaper headlines, being associated by many with a cover on the Muslim woman’s head, which tends to be banned here and there [in the West]. Only few people are really aware that hijab is not just a head cover or even a modest dress code, but an essential requirement to the moral appearance of a woman. It means that a woman must be modest and chaste, that she must avoid tempting anyone by her visage, appearance or behavior, apart from her husband in times of privacy with him.
A Muslim woman “wrapped” from head to foot looks in the eyes of some uncovered women as a symbol of oppression and male dominance; yet, a woman dressed in this way is best protected from others’ glances scanning her body; she is free from “pursuit of the body ideal that is in fashion now” but has nothing to do with naturalness.
It’s wearing of hijab that offers women the opportunity to look noble and natural; it’s a command for the woman’s benefit, safety and protection of family home.
Relations between males and females
The subject was further elaborated by discussing the so called “free relations” between man and woman, which are widespread today. Many of those who used to be proud of their “free status” are suffering today, because absence of obligations and duties is a reciprocal thing. As family life is full of problems, trust between spouses is a fine matter per se, but it should be supported by something for unexpected or unpredictable occasions.
A live discussion evolved, as it’s a burning issue for the Ukrainian society. There’re no things from which a person can be safe, including death, illness and even amnesia enchanted in TV serials. It’s only permitted marriage that allows spouses to preserve morals and purity of spirit, to bring up children in peace and harmony and be sure that their family is one team, and if something occurs, team partners will take up the torch and help one to rehabilitate, or, if one partner becomes incapable, they will take on to fulfill mutual responsibilities.
Pork, intoxicating substances and prohibited trade
Everyone knows that eating pork and taking intoxicating substances (alcohol or drugs) is prohibited for Muslims. However, while the harm of alcohol and drugs can hardly be challenged, prohibition of eating pork is not properly understood by each Muslim, not to mention followers of other faiths. Yet, eating pork has harmful effects for human health due to several reasons, beginning from physical properties of this meat and ending up with parasites and harmful substances contained in it.
Trade is encouraged in Islam, but there’re several limitations which, when violated, make it prohibited. The Most High prohibits any kind of trade associated with injustice, deception and everything condemned in Islam.
Such serious subjects could not but raise great many questions that were willingly answered by lectures at the end of the discussion.