On February, 17th, a group of sisters from the Kharkov Islamic Center "Al-Manar", and also the girls who visit the Islamic center visited children from the Kharkov center of socially-psychological rehabilitation of children "Harmony" which with impatience waited for the new visitors.
Center "Harmony" is intended for social protection of children from unsafe families which parents are not deprived the parental rights. The task of this center is socially-psychological help to children who need standstill from violence in their own families.
Sisters brought with them a large quantity of gifts, cheerful and active games which were gifted to the kiddies. Children actively took part in the program which was prepared for them by the organizers. In the program there were many interesting and fascinating games, riddles and rhymes.
After the games everyone found for oneself an interesting task. No one remained without attention. And already at the end of the program there was a sweet treatment for the children.
Games carried children away so much that they for a long time did not want to let their visitors go, but nevertheless they had to say goodbye. Saying goodbye, children told that they liked the visit very much and with impatience they would wait for new meetings.
As the Muslim women who visited the rehabilitation center told, "The words of gratitude and happy smiles on children's faces became the best award for the organizers who really tried their best".
Tutors of the center "Harmony" expressed huge gratitude to the sisters from "Al-Manar" and invited to visit them again.
"The purpose of our visit was first of all, to obtain content of the Almighty, doing good and hoping for a huge award which Allah promises in the Holy Quran:
"Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has Faith, verily, to him will We give a new Life, a life that is good and pure and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions". (The Holy Quran, 16:97).
This day gave us a chance to know each other better, to become closer to each other. And the main thing, it is not difficult to help someone – all you need is a strong wish and possibility for this purpose will be granted by Allah", the sisters noted.
Staff reporter.