The Crimean student's organization "Emel" organized tournaments on chess and table tennis among students of the Crimean high schools. Competitions were opened by representatives of the Ministry of affairs of family, youth and sports of the autonomy, and also the Crimean chess club.
Many of chess and tennis players of the competitions are the participants of the all-Ukraine and international tournaments. "We planned to carry out actions at high level that except fans played also professionals", the chairman of "Emel", Muslim Dervishev, shared the justified expectations. As he said, representatives of the Ministry of sports drew the main conclusion, naming competitions as aspiration to rising of sports spirit among students.
Let us remind, organization "Emel" extends sphere of its activity among students of the Crimean educational institutions and is a part of the all-Ukraine Association of Social Organizations "Аlraid".
Info. Department of the AUASO "Аlraid"