With coming of the first warm days, in the Islamic Cultural Centre appeared kiddies happy from pleasure to feel asphalt under their feet. Parents, observing them, enjoyed whiff of a spring breeze.
At eleven, on Sunday, families were invited in the Centre assembly hall. In the last winter day the Female Social Organization "Маryam" decided to hold a family seminar. Even its name was close to the coming season "Blossoming garden of a good family".
Relations between spouses in Islam are built according to the Divine prescription:
"And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquillity with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect. " (The Holy Quran, 30:21)
The family can blossom, like a garden, bear fruits, combine pleasures with spiritual enrichment if it is united by worship to Allah the Almighty that is the paramount purpose of creation of a family in Islam. "Relations between spouses in a Muslim family are built on the basis of mutual love, respect and mercy. The Quran teaches that these qualities are given to people only by Allah and consequently even matrimonial love should be in Allah and for the sake of Allah. One should love a person for his qualities and virtues, and in this case the faith is the reliable basis, allowing to avoid fast disappointment and fading of mutual interest to each other", Tareq Sarhan noticed, discussing the purposes of a family creation.
To build relations according to the Holy Scripture, by Will of the Almighty, where everyone knows his rights and obligations, helps a family to get stronger and to avoid misunderstanding and conflicts. For this purpose is important constant spiritual development to what was dedicated the second lecture of the seminar. The believer understands that the family happiness is the gift from the Almighty and is reached thanks to just acts and piety.
In the due course family relations of believers improve, spouses learn each other, appear children. In the training, carried out by Sheikh Imad, married couples could define position of their mutual relations and ways of their improvement.
But all the same it is necessary to understand that sometimes spouses should show patience for which Allah will reward them.
Info. Department of the AUASO "Alraid"