Конгресс мусульман Украины

«Крепко держитесь за вервь Аллаха все вместе и не разделяйтесь!» (Коран, 3:103)

"Аlraid" Distributes More than 8 Tons of Help to 800 Orphans

27.05.2009 / 1495

With the assistance of charitable Islamic organizations and local Ukrainian benefactors "Alraid" organized action on distribution of material aid to children-orphans, living in Crimea.

Pupils will have new schoolbags where will be found everythingl necessary for studying: a diary, note-books, textbooks, accessories.

The same day about 8 tons of foodstuffs were distributed among the poor and the needy.

In the Islamic Centre of Simferopol was prepared the cultural-entertaining program in the form of lessons and competitions for adults. For the youngest visitors were prepared various entertainments and games.

This testifies that Islam obliges to support the needy, to care and provide for orphans, to offer a helpful hand to all the needy for the purpose of compensation from the Supreme Allah.

Info. Department of "Аlraid"


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